Dark blue banner with title Et Cetera and subtitle Digging a little further

Et Cetera #5

Et Cetera: weekly posts, in english, digging a little further | Season 01

Welcome to the fifth edition of Et Cetera, your series of posts that was supposed to be a newsletter! This chapter has four types of content, I think we have a record here! I know some of the contents are a little bit late (because I planned them too early – lesson learned for the next season), but still… I want to recommend them, because they’re important – and very cherished by me, like Emicida’s album 😅 Will you come with me?

Michael, from The Good Place, an old man, with short white hair and glasses, saying: Okay, here we go.

Division of Et Cetera series: Dark blue banner with title Quizzes and Social Media and subtitle Testing knowledges and sometimes your patience

📲 #1: O quanto você sabe sobre Zumbi dos Palmares? by Raphael Evangelista

In Brazil, we have a day to celebrate Black Consciousness, at November 20th. The date was chosen due to the murder of Zumbi dos Palmares, a famous black leadership, in 1695. We get to study a little about him in school, but recently his story is filled with so much lies and untruths that is important of test your knowledges about this important figure now and then – and learn with your mistakes! This quiz is a very informative one and I really loved it.

Idiom: Portuguese | Accessed in: 29/11/2020

Division of Et Cetera series: Dark blue banner with title Podcasts & Music and subtitle Make sure to keep talking (and listening)

🔊 #2: AmarElo by Emicida

THE LATIN GRAMMY WINNER! How could I NOT talk about this hymnal? This is, probably, my favorite Brazilian album ever. It helped me a lot to deal with bad feelings and situations. I believe Emicida is the greatest poet of our time and I really loved this work of him. And I can’t wait to see more! By the way, you should really check his others contents about this album, like the podcast and the future documentary at Netflix!

Idiom: Portuguese | Available at streaming services like Spotify, Deezer, YouTube Music, etc

Division of Et Cetera series: Dark blue banner with title Videos, lectures & TED Talks and subtitle Watch and Learn

🎬 #3: How working couples can best support each other by Jennifer Petriglieri

Well, I think I don’t know any couple in my social circle which is not a working couple, so this lecture can help everyone. It’s about how to establish rules and objectives together, always keeping in mind the wishes and limits of each part. I really kept myself thinking about the agreements between me and my partner, and how important is to have someone open to discuss and change, if necessary, the same way I’m willing to do.

Idiom: English, with subtitles in 7 languages | Accessed in: 29/11/2020

Dark blue banner with title Articles and subtitle If reading is your thing

📰 #4: A Negra Latina da Sala by Cláudia de Castro Lima

Bibiana Leite started as a Brazilian girl who wished to explore the world. She studied a lot, and even with a ton of difficulties, became a YouTube executive, with a international career, living the dream of many people (including myself). The most interesting part of this interview, for me, is when she talks about the imposter syndrome. I believe many of us have already suffered from this, but if you are from a minority group, you know how much this condition can affect your self esteem and, consequently, your work.

Idiom: Portuguese | Accessed at: 01/12/2020

📰 #5: The kids aren’t alright: How Generation Covid is losing out by Federica Cocco

This article is a very interesting one, about how young adults are being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. It shows a lot of data about how many milleniums had to return to their parent’s house, or lost their job, or are worried about their graduation. Also, it presents stories from young people all around the globe and their opinions about how they feel in this state of uncertainty. For me, it’s really hard to hear these stories, because I could, easily, be part of them, if this pandemic happened few years ago.

Idiom: English | Accessed at: 29/11/2020

📰 EXTRA: The More I Learn, The More Absolutely In Love I Am. by Karina Pichardo

I found this small piece of happiness when I was scrolling my daily.dev feed and, you know, I felt I should share it. It’s good to see someone having the same feelings I had when I was starting at programming. Sometimes, coding is hard, sometimes it’s too hard, and I feel it’s important to redeem this feeling of joy from the beginners.

Idiom: English | Accessed at: 29/11/2020

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💌 A final message

Did you liked? Is there something you would like to add? Any constructive criticism? Feedbacks? Suggestions? Requests? Feel free to contact me through email (oli.pmatt@gmail.com), Twitter (@oliviamattiazzo), LinkedIn (/oliviamattiazzo) or the comment box right under this post! It will be a pleasure to talk with you!✨

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